Berkeley Advanced Media Institute instructor and multimedia expert Richard Koci Hernandez shares the story of the photo that took him six years to capture.
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I have a ridiculous passion,
Some might call it an obsession,
with men in hats on my Instagram feed.
And I will chase a man in a hat
to find the right light, to find the right composition
I've been working on an image for six years,
which is as long as I've been here at Berkeley teaching.
There are certain times of the year when I come to work
that there is this beautiful mist, this fog,
that kind of comes up from the ground,
right in front of the journalism school,
and at a certain time time of day,
the light hits it and it's beautifully backlit.
And I have hundreds of pictures of that,
I never stop myself from shooting it.
And in my head, the dream image would be one day,
if a man in a hat just happened to stand right there at the right time.
And not but a few weeks ago,
it finally happened
This six-year quest finally came together.
The smoke had come up, and the light was right,
and there was a man in a hat,
and he was standing right in the perfect spot,
and I finally captured it.
And it was pretty magical.